Sunday 27 May 2012

Run hard or go home....

OK, I know this post is a little late.  I've been so busy, and the weather has been so nice that I've neglected my duties both at work and home...
Anyway, onto more pressing matters!

My Thursday run was HARD. SO HARD! The heat was unbearable.  I started off at a good pace, then quickly fell behind.  I started walking way before I had on Monday, and I was really struggling.  I got into a pace though and I managed to actually run further than I thought I could of.  We went a different way this time though, and I can't for the life of me figure out the route on MapMyRun.  Too many trees to see the paths! At a guess I'd say we did 3 miles.  I maybe ran half or three-quarters of that. Maybe. Maybe.  10k in September? Hmmm....

Saturday I went adventuring.  Like...literally.  My other (probably better) half took me on a surprise date.  The good thing about living in the north is the amount of reservoirs around, and therefore the amount of adventuring you can do in the country parks around them (do I sound like a 5 year old?).  I was told to pack a picnic (it's my favourite thing about getting ready to go somewhere...), and he just directed me while I drove. First we went to a park to see the animals (not really improving my image here), then went to a country park near Blackburn.  It was honestly so beautiful.  We went off the path to have the picnic, and I was assured...assured....that he knew where we were.  We ate, napped (oops, my bad!), and just laid there in the middle of the woods.  I don't think I've ever experienced such peacefulness.  Apparently he had somewhere else planned too, but by the time we actually went back to the car it was already after 5.  And you know why?
Well.  You know that tale that men don't admit to being lost, and therefore wont ask directions? Turns out, for my boy at least, it is not just a tale.  We ended up walking around in the woods trying to find a path for ages.  (he also once got us lost on the streets of Salford once after a gig, at midnight, on a Saturday night....but I don't remind him about it at every single opportunity or anything).  I ruined my shoes, got mud up my legs, had to cross streams on logs and/or precarious looking stones, climb up embankments, and back down again.  But you know what? I had so much fun.  I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home, and it kind of beat a run anyday!

So today I had to work. I didn't.  I had a mass of Uni work to do.  I didn't do anything.  I had to go on a run.....I.....tried my best.  Made a stupid decision and took the dog with me.  And you know what?  Ended up getting accosted by a dog was NOT happy he was getting molested (don't make me say what he was doing), and a fight was brewing.  I could feel the tension.  I, in 'cool people's terms DID ONE.  The dog kept following us, so I made a detour.  I got lost.  I had no phone.  I was properly lost.  We walked and walked and walked, and eventually made it onto the main road.  Dog was knackered, I was knackered.  And we just walked home.  Run points = NIL!! A fail of epic proportions.

What can I say? 


  1. Tim guided me to your blog.... Congrats on the running club!! Running with someone else or a group is GREAT accountability! and for signing up for your 10K!! I know you think your run today was a fail, but instead of thinking of it like that, think of it as a learning experience. (I have LOTS of those!!) I learned to always carry my phone, some form of ID, and water. Another thing I learned is, listen to your body. Some days I can run for 10 miles, other days I can only pull out 1. AND there is no rule that says you have to run the whole race!! My first 'big' race, I decided to do intervals! 1/2 mile walk 1/2 or run 10 mins walk 2 minutes.
    AND as long as you do your best, be PROUD, come in first, last or somewhere in between, be PROUD!!!

  2. I agree with Debs. I think where you've just started at the running club, I think it's important to learn from each run and not worry about the time spent actually running. Try and give yourself mini challenges i.e. run a certain distance and then walk a little bit. When you're confident of doing that, up it to a longer distance etc.

  3. Thanks guys :) I think because I've decided to do the 10k at a time when I'm not physically up to it, I've got it in my head that I have to get fit quick, but I know really that isn't how it works.
    I have 3 whole months to build it up. It can be done, I know it can :)
    I think phone and ID will definitely be on my pre-run check-list now, I never thought to take them before. If I run from home I don't take ANYTHING! and when I run with the group I leave my keys and phone in the leaders house, though obviously I'm safe with them.
    Thank you both for reading and taking the time to comment! It's always nice to hear what other people think, and get that little boost :) :) :)
